For the past two weeks we've been learning all about dinosaurs! Here's how it all started...
One evening I was walking my dogs in the desert and came across a giant egg! ;) So of course, I brought it to the classroom! Students brainstormed and made inferences about what was in the egg based on clues that I gave them. The class enjoyed observing the egg everyday and coming to school with anticipation whether it had hatched yet :)
After taking good care of our egg something happened one DID hatch!! By looking at the footprints it left behind we observed that the prints matched those of a baby T-Rex!
We also made posters about dinosaurs...everyone love the Tyrannosaurus Rex!!
Paleontologists are the reason we know so much about dinosaurs. And for a day, students called each other "Doctors" and did the work of a true paleontologist! They got to excavate a rock (hardened baking soda and water) using tools only a paleontologist would use, a pick (toothpick) and a brush (paint brush). They worked in partners to carefully uncover the fossils in the rock.
Our Paleontologists also had to cut and piece fossils together to build a dinosaur. After gluing the dinosaur together we made dinosaur bones using pretzels and marshmallows for our Fun Friday Food!